Dan Spethmann, PhD, DLS

Managing Partner, Chief Executive Officer

Key Experience

  • Deep experience working in roles including servant leader, collegial team member, researcher, writer and presenter.
  • Experience in the boardroom, classroom, factory floor, ag field, timberland, and streamside.
  • Strong desire to work with a dedicated and bright team to make a lasting difference for a flourishing planet for all life.
  • Skilled at raising and placing institutional and private capital investment funds in stream, wetland, forestry, and conservation enterprises.


Dan specializes in developing environmental markets, specifically performing project origination and execution for stream and wetlands mitigation, including permitting, design, and construction management.

In addition to mitigation, we have a strong focus in remediation of water impacts including total maximum daily load (TMDL) sediment and nutrient management,  MS4 controls implementation, and PFAS minimization management.  

Current and Past Affiliations

Working Lands Investment Partners

Working Lands Soil & Water 

Applied Ecological Services, Inc.

New Forests, Inc.

Temple-Inland, Inc.

Strategic Controls Corporation

Moncon, Inc.


Doctorate of Environmental Ethics – Georgetown University

PhD in Natural Resources Economics – Stephen F. Austin State University

Master’s in Forestry – University of Wisconsin -Madison

Bachelor’s in Biology – University of Wisconsin -Stevens Point