Charlotte Brett, MPS

Managing Director, New York

Key Experience

  • Provides environmental planning, permitting, and mitigation services and has been a close partner with Working Lands Investment Partners since 2015.

  • Executive Director for New York Green Inc., a non-profit organization focused on balancing development activities, working lands, and natural resource conservation.

  • Treasurer for the New York State Wetlands Forum, where she has been on the Board of Governors since 2010.

  • Secretary for the Atlantic States Legal Foundation.

  • Co-authored “Banking on Change: Rethinking Wetland Mitigation in the State of NY,” which was recognized as Ecosystem Marketplace’s “Top Read Story of 2013.”


Charlotte has 20 years of environmental consulting experience serving public, private, and non-profit clients on economic development, energy, transportation, and municipal projects across multiple states. Brett has developed a permittee-responsible compensatory stream, wetland, and adjacent area mitigation project in the Chautauqua Watershed in New York State that included coordination with multiple agencies.

She is developing a Countywide Climate Resiliency Plan for Genesee County, New York. There is currently a surge of solar energy development activity in Genesee County; integrating this land use into the County’s ecology, economy, and social framework is a focus area of the Plan.

Current and Past Affiliations

Owner of Empire Environmental Partners

Environmental Group Leader within an engineering firm

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biologist

Student Conservation Association, Conservation Work Crew Leader


Master of Professional Studies degree in Environmental Science, Environmental and Community Land Planning, State University of New York School of Environmental Science and Forestry

Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from Prescott College